I'm well aware I'm going to get responses like 'welcome to the church,' or some such twaddle, but I've found myself increasingly annoyed with the time and effort dedicated to planning in the church, and so much less effort to actually doing.
Yes, practical issues do have a rein on the more exuberant amongst us, but to get excited about something and then say that we're not going to do it for 6 months is just frustrating.
I am aware that my youth and naivete show through considerably here. I don't mind.
I just want to do.
Then maybe you should begin advertising for Nike... Just Do It. :)
Sow in one season, reap in another.
'Twould be wonderful if we could simply do without all the dismal business of planning ... of getting budget approvals, management approvals, parental approvals...
I'd love to just wander into Biggleswade, for instance, and reopen that closed bookshop...
Let's face it: even God, even the mythical God of the biblical literalists, didn't create the world in the blink of an eyelid: it took days ... billennia even ... and it's still not done ...
Life: it's a work in progress; and most of us die before it's done...
Happy daze, dude :)
Hi Dave, it's Rob F here.
Just thought I'd say that I totally agree with you. It's the same in school really as well, planning takes up so much of my time, possibly as much as the actual delivery of lessons.
As important as it is to be prepared for something, the actual 'something' is surely more important at the end of the day.
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