It's a truth universally acknowledged that the English invented football, rugby, cricket, and a host of other sports. It's also a truth universally acknowledged that we are generally rubbish at these things on an epic scale. Occasional successes, but nothing to write home about, as it were.
A conversation this morning regarding the church in Africa also showed this trend. We may have invented Anglicanism, but have managed to become rubbish at it on an epic scale. The number of Anglicans in the country roughly numbers one million, whereas the Nigerian Anglican church is full to bursting at 20 million, and the Ugandans at 10 million.
What a sad state of play. I think we should just give up pioneering things, and settle for persuing mediocrity. We might actually achieve that.
The front door to the church was steamed up today. With the weather being so inclement, I suppose it's not that much of a surprise. However, the condensation was on the outside, as the church building is actually colder than the air temperature outside. Yes, folks...
The church is colder than a rainy day.
Well Nigeria does have a HUGE population (something like 125 million). I think that the percentages are still pretty sad for the UK though (we are around 55 million).
You're not funny.
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