I was sat upon a train the other day, and as is the wont of the average London passenger, I was desperately trying to avoid all eye contact for fear of coming across a bearded man with a rucksack, or a pregnant lady, and having to do something about it. Anyhow, my eyes fell upon this image. Normally, we pass over these images, because we're used to them. We accept that this is a picture of a hand holding an electronic device.
But where, may I ask, are the rest of his fingers?!
"Hi, I'm Jim. I advertise handheld electronics because I have a nice palm, and severed fingers. It's a niche market."
OK, it's clearly a divisive subject. Some people are confused by it, some people have no problem. But what about this: WHERE'S HIS LITTLE FINGER?!
"Hi, I'm Jim. I advertise handheld electronics because I have a nice palm and 3 severed fingers.. etc."
Clearly holding up the top far corner of the device! I allow that it looks weird though!
I noticed this too the other week... you'd think amazon could afford to pay people who knew how to use photoshop well
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