Saturday, 5 June 2010

Big Brother

The final series of Big Brother is soon to kick off in the UK. Details of the house have been released, and someone thought it a good idea that the house took on a circus theme. That's OK - you can click the link. Go and have a read, I'll be here when you get back.

Now, are we all together? Good. That article claimed that the contestants will have 'less privacy than normal.' 'Less privacy'?! How can you get any less private than being permanently filmed for however long you 'successfully' stay in the house and being broadcast into every home in Britain?!

I'd love to be on Big Brother - always been a secret ideal of mine - but that's probably because, as I was described by a good friend of mine earlier this week, I'm a floozy. But I think that idea was brought about when Big Brother was an interesting experiment, admittedly capitalistic and flawed, but an interesting experiment, nonetheless.

Now, it's just a chance for producers to be weird and get away with it. It's a unmanned freak show, and the only criteria to get on the show is to be as bizarre as possible. You happen to be a left-handed tractor-worshipping terrorist? You almost don't need an interview. Just don't threaten any bomb scares when inside. That's bad form. Because you can only do weird things if Big Brother says so.

I reckon Mr. Orwell is turning in his grave.


Elizabeth said...
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flausher said...

Thank you, for making me laugh.

joven said...
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